@Dragonbreath Operation Guardian Angel keep an eye on new members listed here and state any suspicious things here
Duke Of Cambridge — 13/03/2019
the blitz of the seas#1405
Dragonbreath — 14/03/2019
Just a heads up keep an eye on blitz as he seems very anxious to rank up
Also I haven’t heard anything from officialkaptaintoxic
Duke Of Cambridge — 14/03/2019
Dragonbreath — 14/03/2019
Why are you helping gunsmoke he hasn’t been on for about 3 months
Duke Of Cambridge — 14/03/2019
Because he is still second in command and I have already had a word with him
Dragonbreath — 14/03/2019
Dragonbreath — 14/03/2019
Demote blitz and see how he reacts
If he’s very against it then he’s a spy
Duke Of Cambridge — 14/03/2019
That might not work as we got him from stein by giving him the same rank
Dragonbreath — 15/03/2019
Ishootrockstars has a major attitude issue and thinks he can go Rambo
Duke Of Cambridge — 15/03/2019
I’ve had a look he doesn’t seem that bad just need to let him know he can’t make a ship e.g name one he can say wanna do a skull fort for example and make a ship then but only in SoT not within the empire
Duke Of Cambridge — 17/03/2019
@Dragonbreath ^
Dragonbreath — 17/03/2019