Comrade Yuri — 13/03/2019
Here’s some pictures of the people who are high officers
Duke Of Cambridge — 13/03/2019
Okay can you send them here
Comrade Yuri — 13/03/2019

Because I know the uniforms so
Admiral uniforms are officers or admirals
Duke Of Cambridge — 13/03/2019
Comrade Yuri — 13/03/2019
Duke Of Cambridge — 13/03/2019
Admiral Of The NavyToday at 15:43
@Comrade Yuri operation Golden Stalk is active the goal is to gather as much information as possible from the Royal Navy discord server
Post any information into #golden-stalk-reports
Admiral Of The NavyToday at 19:25
@Comrade Yuri Operation Golden Stalks will be classified as a success and is now terminated
End report:
Golden Stalks was a partial success but was found out when Kaiser decided to confront the members of Royal Navy discord and was found out and banned from the server
however this operation allowed the liberation of one of steins members the blitz of the seas#1405 this also allowed a minimal amount of information to be gathered and is posted above.
screenshots from the liberation are shown below:

There are no other records of the operation This operation shall be made into a full report and listed as classified [19:31]—Report End—